Multi type drop zone
Instead accept a single type of input. A drop zone can be configured to accept a list of inputs. And each of them can have different filter set.
Instead of accepting one type of items in previous example.
A Drop zone can have multi drop item at once by passing it as array
// type BallDataType = [item: string, from: string]
type BallDataType = [item: string, type: 'ball', from: string]
export const BallType = createType<BallDataType>()
type PaperDataType = [item: string, type: 'paper', from: string]
export const PaperType = createType<PaperDataType>()
const { propsItem, hoverState } = useDroppable(
// BallType.withFilter(([item, source]) => source !== props.index),
BallType.withFilter(([item, type, source]) => source !== props.index),
PaperType.withFilter(([item, type, source]) => source !== props.index)
onDrop: (ev, [data, type, source]) => {
// console.log(`${data} from ${source} is dropped into ${props.index}`)
// emit('drop', [data,props.index])
console.log(`${type} ${data} from ${source} is dropped into ${props.index}`)
emit('drop', [data, type, props.index])
The data
that onDrop
received will be a union of all types specified and can be handled safely with typescript Discriminating Unions
You can only drag item into the box specified
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