Custom drag preview

In the previous chapter, you probably already noticed that the pointer event provider has a few caveats.

For example,

  • you can't drag the item out of the scroll container
  • the original place doesn't have a placeholder item there

The vue dnd has a mechanism for you to customize this behavior.


Before adding the preview, we need a container to contain the preview we want to render.

Due to css overflow containers, this container is preferred to be put in the <body> root.

This can be done with the vue <Teleport>

<!-- app.vue-->
        v-for="box in boxes"
            v-for="item in box.items"
    <Teleport to="body">
        <DragLayer />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { DrayLayer } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd'
/* ... */
/* ... */



Add preview to drag target

And now we add drag preview to drag target

import { computed, h } from "vue";
import { useDraggable } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd';
import { BallType } from "./type";
import { BallPreview } from "./ball-preview";

const props = defineProps({
    from: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    index: {
        type: String,
        required: true,

const { propsItem, state } = useDraggable(
    computed<[string, string]>(() => [props.index, props.from]),
        preview: () => {
            return h(BallPreview, { index: props.index })



import { computed } from "vue";
import { useDraggable } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd';
import { BallType } from "./type";
import { BallPreview } from "./ball-preview";

const props = defineProps({
    from: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    index: {
        type: String,
        required: true,

const { propsItem, state } = useDraggable(
    computed<[string, string]>(() => [props.index, props.from]),
        preview: () => {
            return <BallPreview index={props.index} />



The preview can be in whatever component you wish, but it must not cause side effects because it may be re-rendered at any time.


example Source