Dropping zone state

Besides make the item being dragged transparent.

You may want to give users a hint about where you can drop the item.

So we expose a few useful states to the dropping zone.

// const { propsItem } = useDroppable(/* ... */)
const { propsItem, hoverState } = useDroppable(/* ... */)

Useful properties

The hoverState has a few properties, there are 3 that we want to focus on here

  • dragging: whether there is any ongoing dnd
  • hover: whether the dragging item is currently on the top of this drop zone
  • accepted: whether the current dropzone wishes to accept this dragging item


Let's try to add a background to indicate whether it is allowed to be dropped into the container

<script setup lang='ts'>
import { useDroppable } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd';
import { BallType } from "./type";

const props = defineProps({
    index: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
const emit = defineEmits<{
    (ev: 'drop', item: [item: string, target: string]): void

const { propsItem, hoverState } = useDroppable(
    BallType.withFilter(([item, source]) => source !== props.index),
        onDrop: (ev, [data, source]) => {
            console.log(`${data} from ${source} is dropped into ${props.index}`)
            emit('drop', [data, props.index])

const extraStyle = computed(() => {
    if (!hoverState.dragging) {
        return {} // we aren't even dragging
    if (hoverState.hover) {
        if (hoverState.accepted) {
            return {
                background: 'green'
        } else {
            return {
                background: 'red'
    } else {
        if (hoverState.accepted) {
            return {
                background: 'blue'
        } else {
            return {}
/* ... */





example Source
