Dragging between containers
The vue dnd didn't manipulate the dom or data by itself. It is just a command channel that sends messages between components.
In order to actually drag items between containers, you need to change the data by yourself.
Label the container with an id
In order to drag an item between containers, the container needs to have an identifier so you know where the item was dragged into.
<!-- Box.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useDroppable } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd';
import { BallType } from "./type";
const props = defineProps({
index: {
type: String,
required: true,
const { propsItem } = useDroppable(
onDrop: (ev, data) => {
console.log(`${data} dropped`)
/* ... */
Make a list of containers
<!-- App.vue -->
v-for="box in boxes"
v-for="item in box.items"
<script setup lang='ts'>
import Ball from './Ball.vue';
import Box from './Box.vue';
import { useHtmlProvider } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd'
interface Box {
id: string,
items: string[]
const boxes = reactive<Box[]>([
id: 'A',
items: ['a', 'b']
id: 'B',
items: []
id: 'C',
items: []
/* ... */
Handle the message and emit events from the drop target
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { useDroppable } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd';
import { BallType } from "./type";
const props = defineProps({
index: {
type: String,
required: true,
const emit = defineEmits<{
(ev: 'drop', item: [item: string, target: string]): void
const { propsItem } = useDroppable(
onDrop: (ev, data) => {
// console.log(`${data} dropped`)
console.log(`${data} is dropped into ${props.index}`)
emit('drop', [data, props.index])
/* ... */
Handle the event and update the data in the app
<!-- App.vue -->
v-for="box in boxes"
v-for="item in box.items"
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import Ball from './Ball.vue';
import Box from './Box.vue';
import { useHtmlProvider } from '@mmis1000/vue-dnd'
interface Box {
id: string,
items: string[]
const boxes = ref<Box[]>([
id: 'a',
items: ['a']
id: 'b',
items: []
const onDrop = (
[item, target]
: [item: string, target: string]
) => {
boxes.value = boxes.value.map(box => {
if (box.id === target) {
return {
items: [...box.items.filter(i => i !== item), item]
} else {
return {
items: box.items.filter(i => i !== item)
example Source